About Carl Gellings
Carl on mei 4th 2014
A (web)developer from Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.
After first having worked as an administrative employee – order desk and marketing administration – he became involved with office automation. After the world wide web opened it’s doors it enthraled him creating sites front and back end.
Both small and large companies used his experience (e.g. Dutch-Joy, SaasPlaza, ThiemeMeulenhoff), as did public service. He worked both as an employee, and as freelancer.
Carl is a zend certified engineer (php 5.5). His toolbox contains a.o. php, MySQL, PostrgreSQL, Oracle (db), JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI, ExtJS, HTML, CSS, XML, SOAP, REST, CVS/SVN/Git. Favourite IDE: Ultra Studio, he knows his way around Eclipse, and Zend Studio. Besides his tools of the trade he is known to loose himself in Photoshop, paint.net, and TurboCAD.